Value based training
I was particularly struck by the book written by Michael Porter on value-based health care when studying for my MBA. He is an esteemed advisor to the NHS. What is Value-Based Health Care? Value in healthcare is realised when we achieve the best possible healthcare outcomes for our population with the resources that we have, and these outcomes should be comparable with the best in the world.
Percussion – does it still have a role in clinical practice?
Michael R. Gooseman 1 David J. O’Regan Department of Cardiac Surgery Jubilee Wing Leeds General Infirmary Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Leeds United Kingdom Corresponding author: Mr David J. O’Regan Consultant Cardiac Surgeon Leeds General Infirmary Highlights Diminishing role of percussion in clinical practice Changing face of the clinical examination Keywords Clinical examination – […]
Stop the rot… where’s the fun
Katherine Hurst, David O’Regan Have you been told during a weekend ward round or night shift.. ‘In our day we worked a one in two’, ‘In our day we lived in the hospital.’ These statements are impressively true, but along with this our now consultant body had meals provided, a bar in the Mess… an […]
History and Examination is a forgotten art … and can save the NHS
David O’Regan Consultant Cardiac Surgeon Director of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh in 1859 and decided to study medicine at Edinburgh University. It was one of his teachers, Dr Joseph Bell, a Fellow of the College of Surgeons, who […]
Culture and Needs
Culture and Needs Many companies finding themselves in a predicament start calling for a change in culture. It is also claimed in the business literature that culture eats strategy for breakfast. Modern human resource management (HRM) is no longer a transactional (i.e. pay and conditions) but more translational (ie investing in your employees). I really […]
The importance of secretaries in health care organisation
Part 1 Sarah The importance of secretaries in health care organisations is poorly understood or recognised. This month our unit said goodbye to Sarah who has been working with us for the past sixteen years. Sarah has effectively been the front end of our business. She received telephone calls from patients and clinicians alike and […]
QUIPP (Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention) was the buzz acronym in 2012. Personally, I was very excited because I felt for the first time in my career in the NHS that doctors and managers alike would put QUALITY before anything else. I thought this would be the first time we would be sharing the same […]
Black Belt Academy Surgical Skills
SITUATION We are seeing increasing reports of the lack of engagement and recruitment of new graduates to the surgical disciplines. There is a dearth of training courses available for aspiring surgical trainees. It may take up to three years for newly qualified doctors and aspiring surgeon to get to theatre and actually handle surgical instruments. […]
This is my first Blog
I am very cognizance of the fact that we live under a constant daily digital deluge of data and opinions. Why on earth would I want to add to this noise? Do I have anything to add? Perhaps not but you will be the judge of that… I would like to start by espousing the […]
Leading and Managing
Education and Training