I have been a Consultant Cardiac Surgeon Leeds since 1 February 2001. I have now done over 3290 cases with an overall survival of 97.8%. This is against a background of an increasing number of urgent emergency and salvage patients that is now running above 35% of my workload. The number of patients with diabetes is more than 30%. We are seeing an increasing number of older patients – 28.7% are over the age of 70, more than 11 % are over 75 and 2.1% are over 80. The patients are getting bigger with over 37% presenting with a BMI over 30.
I have done over 2150 elective cases with a survival of 98.4% and 1379 coronary artery bypass grafts with a survival of 99.2%. Included in these numbers are 272 elective aortic valve replacements with 98.1% survival and 414 aortic valve and coronary artery bypass grafts with 96.7% survival.
I collect data on all wound problems – I believe anything less than a healthy wound is a problem. I introduced a tissue care bundle in September 2009. In the last five years my all-wound-problem rate is 0.52% in 987 patients.
Other post-operative incidents are listed:
Atrial fibrillation 20.6%
Permanent pacing 1.14%
Stroke 0.52%
Kidney support 1.82%
Severe Bowel problems less than 0.3%
Multisystem failure 1.2%
Need for reconnecting to a ventilator 1.0%
Septicaemia 0.67%
Return to theatre for bleeding 4.38%
Return to intensive care 1.3%
95.23% of patients are discharged home
In the last five years 56% of patients go home by than six days go home and 79% go home by seven days
I have always welcomed feedback from my patients and strive to improve my service every day. I collect patient satisfaction scores on a five-point Likert scale in many domains. Only report the five out of five satisfaction scores to represent the patients who been delighted by my service.
Comments include:
‘Fantastic throughout’
‘Felt very safe and cared for by him”
‘a privilege to be in his care’
‘First class service’
‘I have to say Mr O’Regan, relieved my fears and gave the absolute confidence of my safety and well-being during surgery; everything was explained to my wife and I in detail which was very short reassuring’
‘I felt very safe and cared for by him for the privilege to be under his care’
‘First class service and fantastic throughout he gave me total confidence and changed my life’
‘he was extremely honest and open and professional’
I have been running a ‘Fit to Admit clinic’ since 2003 and I have realised significant clinical and operational benefits that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. I won a national QUIPP award for this work in 2012